網站改版 Site renovation 親愛的顧客, 感謝您一直以來對我們的支持!我哋現正進行網站改版,為您提供更好嘅購物體驗。請注意,我哋嘅網站將於今天下午4時重新開放。 在此期間,如有任何問題或查詢,請隨時與戶戶送的客戶服務團隊聯繫。 再次感謝您的耐心等待,我哋期待在新的網站上繼續為您服務! 戶戶送資源站團隊 Dear Customer, Thank you for your continued support! We are undergoing a website renovation right now to improve your shopping experience. Please note that we will be back online today at 4pm. If you have any questions during this period, please reach out to Deliveroo’s Partner team. Thank you for your patience, we look forward to seeing you on our new website! Rooniverse Team

English: "Following Deliveroo’s cessation of operations in Hong Kong, this packaging website will be closing. We sincerely appreciate your support. For any financial inquiries or collections, please contact Eugene Tseng (Eugene.Tseng@kroll.com) or Isabel Chan (Isabel.Chan@kroll.com) for assistance. It has been a privilege to work with you all. Thank you for your partnership." Chinese (中文): 「由於 Deliveroo 已停止在香港的業務,本包裝網站即將關閉。我們衷心感謝您的支持。 如有任何財務查詢或款項相關事宜,請聯繫 Eugene Tseng (Eugene.Tseng@kroll.com) 或 Isabel Chan (Isabel.Chan@kroll.com) 尋求協助。 能夠與大家合作是我們的榮幸,衷心感謝您的支持。」

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