戶戶送免費4.5G 本地流動數據服務申請表 Deliveroo Complimentary 4.5G Local Mobile Data Service Application Form
請填寫以下表格申請戶戶送免費本地流動數據服務,當收到填好的表格後,你的流動數據卡將會在三天內送到。完成表格將被視為同意及確認條款及細則 To request the Deliveroo complimentary local mobile data service, please fill up the form and your SIM card will be arrived within 3 day after the completed form is received. Completed this form will be considered as agree and acknowledge the terms and conditions.
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Email *
商戶編號 Admin ID  *
你可以在後台 Hub 找到商戶編號  You can find Admin ID on Hub 
每一個有效的商戶編號可領取一張數據卡 One SIM card for every valid Admin ID
重覆申請將不會送出數據卡 Duplicated application will not be accepted
商戶名稱 Store Name *
商戶負責人/授權代表姓名 Store Owner/Authorized Representative Name *
商戶負責人/授權代表聯絡電話號碼 Store Owner/Authorized Representative Contact Number
送貨地址 Delivery Address *
條款及細則 Terms and Conditions
  1. 合作夥伴不可將其於協議下的任何或所有權利、義務及/或責任轉讓、更替、分配、分銷、轉移,或以其他方式處置予第三者。

  2. 合作夥伴不可將其數據卡安裝在任何未經受權裝置 (例如手提電話、個人平板裝置、便攜式WI-FI熱點設備等) 上作任何活動。

  3. 數據服務只供合作夥伴在戶戶送接單機上享用,合作夥伴不得將服務轉售或分銷予他人。

  4. 合作夥伴負責及承擔任何損失, 無論該些損失是因使用戶戶送本地流動數據服務而引致的故障、錯誤、遺漏、干擾、缺點、傳送或接收的錯誤或延誤、通訊系統故障而造成的任何損失。

  5. 使用服務時,合作夥伴須遵守所有相關之香港法律、可接受的使用政策及規則,包括其修訂。

  6. 戶戶送免費本地流動數據服務包含每月 1GB 本地流動數據,每月第一日將自動從新計算。當本地數據到達每月上限時,合作夥伴可以繼續使用數據服務,但將會按每額外1GB收取港幣 $38。

  7. 如遺失、損壞或停止使用該本地流動數據卡,合作夥伴必須在7天內透過後台向戶戶送提交幫助申請。

提交申請後,即被視為同意接受條款並受其約束。如條款及細則的中英文版本不一致,應以英文版本為準。我們將保留接受或拒絕閣下申請的一切最終決定的權利。 如有任何爭議,戶戶送擁有對訂單有關的所有事項之最終決定權。

I am the owner / authorized representative of the entity and understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following:
  1. The Partner shall not assign, novate, convey, license, transfer or otherwise dispose of any or all of the partner's rights, duties and/or obligations under the Agreement.

  2. The partner shall not install the SIM card to an unauthorised device (eg. mobile phone, personal tablet, portable hotspot device, etc) for any activity.

  3. The Services are intended for the partner's use on Deliveroo Sunmi Tablet only. The partner shall not resell or distribute the Services in whatever form to any third party.

  4. The partner shall abide by all Applicable Law, the Acceptable Use Policies and any operating rules, as amended from time to time, when using the Services.

  5. The partner is responsible for any liability as a result of any loss howsoever caused by use of Deliveroo Local Mobile Data Service which results in mistake error omission interruption deletion defects, error or delay in transmission or receipt, communication network failure, or under any other cause of action.

  6. Deliveroo complimentary local mobile data service includes 1GB local mobile data every month.Data will be reloaded to the SIM card on the 1st of every month.When local data usage reaches its monthly limit, partners can still use data service but thereafter local data charge will be incurred. Thereafter charge is charged by each mobile number. Local thereafter Charges: Mobile data: $38/1GB.

  7. The partner shall report to Deliveroo within 7 days via Hub in case of SIM card lost, damaged, or service suspension.

By submitting the request, the partner is agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. Deliveroo reserve the right at any time after receipt of the order to accept or decline the request for any reason.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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